Page 44 - 2020 Aegis Oil Catalogue
P. 44


                                             Aegis Compressor Oil is a high       APPLICATIONS:
                                             performance ash less oil specially       For use in most compressors including
                                             formulated to meet the demanding        Atlas Copco, Compare, Howden and
                                             lubricant requirements of rotary and    Broomwade compressors.
                                             oil-flooded screw type compressors. This      Where ISO-L-DAG or ISO-L-DAH
                                             oil is formulated using high performance   oils are recommended.
                                             additive packages to reduce blockages in
                                             filters and oil/air separators.          In most oil-flooded screw
                                                                                     type compressors.
                                                                                      ISO 15,22,32,46,68

                                                                                      Reduces filter blockages.
                                                                                      Works to combat condensation.

                                                  MOULD RELEASE OIL

                                             A low viscosity, general purpose mould   BENEFITS:
                                             release lubricant. Designed for concrete      Provides corrosion protection for steel
                                             fabrication and clay moulding. Combines   framework.
                                             specifically selected oil and additives to      Easily applied by spray.
                                             enable form work to break cleanly from
                                             concrete and produce smooth surface.
                                             Widely used in manufacture of concrete
                                             panels, pavers, flagstones, railway
                                             sleepers, fence posts, lintels and pre-cast
                                             concrete sections.

                                                  POWER STEERING FLUID

                                             Aegis Power Steering Fluid is formulated   APPLICATIONS:
                                             using high quality base stocks and        ATF- Dex 3.
                                             selected additives. It provides protection
                                             in power steering systems of both foreign   BENEFITS:
                                             and domestic automobiles. It controls seal      Protects against wear.
                                             swelling and protects pump parts against      Provides controlled seal swelling
                                             wear while providing the proper friction   properties.
                                             co-efficient for proper system operation.
                                             Suitable for use in hydraulic power       Protects rubber hoses.
                                             steering systems.                         Resists foaming, oxidation, corrosion
                                                                                     and rusting.

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